W-sitting is a common way that children sit, especially during early childhood. If you were to stand and look down at your child, you’d notice their legs stretched out to the sides, with knees bent and hips turned inward.
This position creates a classic W shape, allowing them to rely on their wide base instead of engaging their core muscles.
While occasional W-sitting isn’t cause for alarm, habitual use can lead to several issues including;
orthopedic conditions,
delayed acquisition of motor milestones
poor sitting posture
muscular imbalances throughout their legs and trunk.
As caregivers, you can help your child explore different sitting positions to promote healthy development:
Tailor sitting (cross legged)
Side sitting
Long sitting (straight legs)
Upright in a chair/on a bench

Thank you for reading along!
Jess D'Agostino-DPT
If you’re concerned about your child’s W-sitting, seek professional advice. Your child's pediatrician may recommend physical therapy.