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Visual Closure Strategies

Circle Creek Therapy

Visual Closure is the ability to see the whole picture, even if you only have pieces. Some children might have trouble with this concept, so they cannot do puzzles, build structures, or write letters correctly.

Thanks to our occupational therapy team, we have compiled a list of some great ways that you can help others improve their visual closure skills! Have fun!


  • Make verbal descriptions of the letters (m and n have humps).

  • Color in different coloring books.

  • Place a memory strip on his/her notebook or desk or other area where he has difficulty recalling something.

  • If they can use a word processor, have them use spell check to help find misspelled words.

  • Have a completed project placed near the student, as well as step-by-step instructions to complete a novel project.

  • Arrange seat placement right in front of the chalkboard, dry erase board, or overhead projector.

  • Present cleanly photocopied worksheets and test forms.

  • Give student a “helpful hint” about mistakes in order to give him/her a second chance to correct some of the errors due to his/her difficulty recognizing errors in written material.

  • Work with puzzles of any kind. Begin with simple ones and then increase the number of pieces or the type of puzzle (3-D). Make sure the child has the concept of finding and describing the sameness and differences between puzzle pieces (flat, cornered or curved edge, type of color, words or objects on the piece).

  • Complete mazes of increasing difficulty.

Interested in reaching out to us? Give us a call 253.237.3405! We would be happy to answer your questions or concerns!




1314 Auburn Way N Auburn, WA 98002


phone: 253.237.3405


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fax: 253.426.3096


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