Being physically active everyday is vital for healthy growth and development of your child. Whatever their level of ability, children need to be active!

Preschool aged children are encouraged to move and engage in unstructured and structured active play of at least 3 hours a day.
Examples of Physical Activities:
Playground play
Tricycle riding
Catching/throwing/kicking games
Gymnastics or tumbling
Obstacle Course
Hopping, galloping, jumping
Benefits of exercise:
Reduce health risks
Achieve and maintain healthy weight
Develop motor skills, balance, and coordination
Build strong bones and muscles
Support learning of social skills
Improve cognitive development

Tips on increasing Physical Activities:
Go outdoors
Limit screen time
Be active together as a family
Arrange playdates
If you have concerns about your child's physical development reach out to us at 253.237.3405 or! We would love to help.
Timmons, B. W., Naylor, P., & Pfeiffer, K. A. (2007). Physical activity for preschoal children-how much and how? PubMed, 98 Suppl 2, S122-34. hts / pubrned nobi almaik gov/18213943
1. Palisano, R, Orlin, M., & Schreiber, J. (2022) Campbell's Physical Therapy for Children Expert Consult - B-Book: Camphell's Physical Therapy for Children Expert Consult - E-Book Elsevier Ialth Sciences
2. Parrish, A., Tremblay, M. S., Carson, S., Veldman, S. L. C, Cliff, D., Vella, S., Chong, K. H., Nacher, M., Dol Pozo Cruz, B., Ellis, Y., Aubert, S, Spaven, B., Samecha, M 1, Zhang, 2., & Okely, A D. (2020). Comparing and assessing physical activity guidelines for children and adolescents: a systematic literature review and analysis. the International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, 17(1). hups/dot ong 10 1186/s12966-020-0914-2
*S Lipnawski, CMA LeBlanc, Canadian Paediatric Society, Henihy Active Licing and Sports Medicine Committee, Henithy active living: Physical activity guidelines for children and adolescents. Paediatrics & Child Health, Volume 17, Issue 4, April 2012, Pages 209-210, hups://doi ong/10.1093/pch/17 4 209