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Feeding therapy
Have you heard of Feeding Therapy? If you haven't this blog post will give you a taste of what it entails. Feeding Therapy is a...

Yes! You should play with your food
How many times throughout your childhood did you hear "Eat your food, don't play with it! "? Probably a lot. our Feeding...

Occupational Therapy
According to, Occupational Therapy can be defined as "Intervention uses everyday life activities (occupations) to promote...

Speech therapy at home tips
Practicing speech skills at home is important but it is not always easy to do. Read below to find out simple ways you can practice speech...

504 Plan
A 504 plan is a tool for students with disabilities in the US to get the support they need in school. Here's what it includes:...

At home PT techniques
Below are 10 effective at-home physical therapy exercises/techniques that can help with various conditions and overall fitness: Posture...

Mindfulness in your daily routine
It's Mindful Monday! Today, we're sharing tips to cultivate mindfulness for both kids and adults. Take a moment to pause, breathe, and...

Indoor activities to explore
Although it is spring now, it is still gloomy and that can limit ways for your little ones to remain entertained and engaged with their...

Sensory bins
What are sensory bins? What is their purpose?🫧🔍 Sensory bins are containers filled with materials that provide sensory stimulation....

10 engaging speech + kid friendly TV shows
Need a breather, parents? We get it! While we always advocate for balanced screen time, we understand that every family has those...

Physical therapy
Why is physical therapy important for people of all ages? It helps you recover from injuries: Physical therapy teaches you exercises and...

10 OT skills to practice at home
How can you practice OT skills at home? Here are some fun techniques you can try: 1.Pencil Grasp Practice: Hold a pencil or pen using...

Top 7 books for children's speech development
These books provide opportunities for bonding with your child while also supporting their speech and language development in a natural...

Embracing play in physical therapy for adults!
Who says adults can't have fun during physical therapy? At Circle Creek Therapy, we believe in keeping the childlike spirit alive,...

Is your 18th month old walking yet?
Little Miss Arwen was not crawling at 11 months old, but within 3 months of physical therapy she was crawling across the room. She was...

Straight From the Heart: Vanessa
Kevin wants you to know he has some amazing news! He has graduated from Physical Therapy! His mommy, Vanessa, gave us the highest praise...

Pulling Your Child From School for Therapy: Weighing the Benefits
For many, this may sound like a crazy proposal. After all, most students just transitioned back to school after having a year of remote...

What is "Covert Stuttering?"
Covert Stuttering occurs when people who stutter pretend or act like they do not stutter even though they do. People who stutter, (and...

The "Name Game" at Home Exercise
Are you tired of staying inside during this quarantine? Shake it up a bit and try this fun at home exercise! Spell your name with the...

Why is National Stuttering Awareness Week so Important?
I grew up being quiet more often than speaking up because the best way to avoid stuttering is to not talk at all. Speaking has always...
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