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Creative Therapy Tools: Obstacle Courses
Obstacle courses are great because they can be made anywhere, and with whatever you already have. At Circle Creek Therapy, we use...

Creative Therapy Tools: Gum
Gum is a tool that can be used in both occupational and speech therapy here at Circle Creek Therapy! During occupational or speech...

Visual Discrimination Related Activities
V isual discrimination is the ability to see differences between objects or symbols. Some examples include seeing differences in color,...

Dear Mother... Love, Your Speech-Language Pathologist
Dear Mother, I don’t just see your child at speech therapy. I see you. I see you. I see you smile wearily as you bring your child to...

Gross Motor Activities: Perfect for Autumn
Autumn is the perfect time of year for kids to develop their gross motor skills through play in a variety of environments. We’ve compiled...

Beyond the Business: The Moments that Define our Business
Last week, I had the unique opportunity to step into my son’s world, not just as his dad, but as an observer in each of his therapy...

Auditory First!
Creating an environment conducive to learning to listen and developing spoken language involves fostering communication-rich surroundings...

Navigating Grief
Today is national Grief Awareness Day. As a clinic that offers mental health support we want to highlight ways to help your child process...

Form Constancy Activities & Strategies
Our Occupational Therapists work with many patients who all have different kinds of skills, or need help acquiring new ones. One of the...

A Short Summary of the Ins & Outs of Autism
What is Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? It's a developmental disability that affects the typical development of ...

Tips & Tricks On How To Treat a Child That Stutters, From a Stutterer
Have you ever met a child with a stutter, and not known how to talk to them? I've had many people ask me over the years what to do when...

Sleep Hygiene For Children
Preschool age children should get 10 -13 hours of sleep per night, while elementary age children should get 9 -11 hours of sleep per...

Creative Therapy Tools: Hedbanz
Hedbanz is an exciting game of asking questions to guess what is pictured on the card on your head! Our speech-language pathologists use...

Tummy time
As a parent or caregiver, you’ve probably heard about the importance of tummy time for your little one. But what exactly is it, and why...

As a physical therapist, I’ve encountered many parents concerned about their child’s toe walking—the act of walking on the balls of the...

Creative therapy tools: Button up shirts
Button-up shirts serve as a practical and meaningful tool within occupational therapy, particularly in the context of rehabilitation and...

W-sitting is a common way that children sit, especially during early childhood. If you were to stand and look down at your child, you’d...

Noise cancelling headphones
Most everyone has had moments they want to tune the world out or things felt a bit overwhelming. What if you felt that way all of the...

Picky Eaters vs Problem Feeders
You have probably heard someone say their child is a "picky eater" but you may not have heard the term problem feeder. What is the...

Go play!
Looking for a great summer activity for the kids to encourage physical development and social skills? Splash Pads are a great activity to...
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